September 13, 2024
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

The PDNC welcomes you to a Heidelberg Postdoc Happy hour!

To kick off Postdoc Appreciation Week, please join us on September 13th, at 5pm for a short presentations on the WissZeitVG before enjoying free drinks (water, soda, beer, wine) and some pizza for purchase. We will be taking note of any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions you have regarding this law to communicate to stakeholders. This event will be hosted outside the communication center at the DKFZ.

Please register by September 6th.


The WissZeitVG is the law regulating fixed-term contracts for scientists in academia, especially those of PhDs and postdocs. This law is being discussed in parliament and a reform is likely to be proposed in the near future. Various options have already been discussed, however no decision has yet been made.

Below we have compiled a list of links that might be of interest to you. Since most of them are in German (due to the political nature of the topic), we suggest that you use the various online tools to translate them.




German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Communications Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 69120 Heidelberg Germany