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Helmholtz Information & Data Science Lectures @HIDSS4Health




Towards AI-Based Precision Neurology

Date: Friday, 08.11.2024   
Time: 14:00 CET   
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich, Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI

Neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs) are increasingly prevalent, especially in low- and middle-income countries, and their underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Early pathologies can precede symptoms by many years, making accurate diagnosis challenging without specialized centers. This results in varied symptoms and disease progression among patients. The presentation will explore how data-driven decision support systems could potentially lead to earlier diagnosis and improved management of these diseases through AI. Examples from the speaker's work will be used to demonstrate the development of an AI-assisted digital twin. The talk will conclude with a discussion on current challenges and future research directions, including efforts by the newly funded EU graduate school, AI for Parkinson’s Disease (AIPD).

We are looking forward to your registration!

HIDA Lecture @HIDSS4Health
HIDSS4Health Coordination Office