8 April 2025
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

We would like to cordially invite you to our Kick-Off meeting of the the network Parents@DKFZ and the “Netzwerk für Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft” Local group Heidelberg.

The Network “Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft“ (Maternity and Science) will support and connect any mothers*, fathers, parents or any caring person who are interested in and want to support a family friendly scientific environment at research institutes in Heidelberg. More information about the network can be found here

The Network Parents@DKFZ is focused on connecting any parent or caring person at the DKFZ. This network should be a platform to connect, communicate and support each other. 

The kick-off meeting will take place at the 8th of April 2025 from 11am to 1pm in the K1/K2 room at the Conference centre of the DKFZ (Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg) and online. After a brief welcome we would like to introduce the two networks to you. This will be followed by the opportunity to network during lunch. This event will be held mainly in English but future events will be held in German. If you would like to join us in person or online, please, register until the 28th  March 2025


Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft (Network for Marternity and Science) 

This Network was founded in 2021 by two scientist and mothers which wrote a book about the problematic situation in the academic field for mothers*. The Book „Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft. Die (Un-)Vereinbarkeit von Mutterbild und wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeit“ was well received and the two authors were invited to many podium discussions. There they realized, that only writing a book does not help to change the situation in academia and they decided to found a platform for mothers*, who work in science to communicate and support each other. The main focus of the network is: CONNECTING, RESEARCH, ADVANCED TRAINING and COUNCELLING. 

While the name and the main focus is to connect mothers* in academia, EVERYONE is welcome! The network specifically invites fathers, other parents or care workers who want to support a family friendly academic environment to join events or organize something themselves. 

The network is formed by local groups all over Germany, Switzerland and Austria. With this kick-off event we would like to found a local group in Heidelberg. Including and connecting mothers in science from ANY research institute in Heidelberg! We aim to connect and start communication with each other. We want to build a platform to support each other, educate by advertising and organizing events and research what problems exist and if there would be solutions, we can bring forward to change the situation of mothers in science in Heidelberg.



Amy Danson, Equal Opportunities Officer, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 
Michaela Holzem, Netzwerk für Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft Heidelberg Representative, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 

In cooperation with:

German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 69120 Heidelberg Germany
Registration for this event is currently open.