Mar 20 – 21, 2025
Marsillius Kolleg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Abstract Submission

Welcome to the Abstract Submission Portal iHOME 2025! We cordially invite you to submit your abstract and contribute to the success of the event. Abstracts will be collected in a virtual abstract book. Thank you in advance for sharing your work with the conference community!

Please note that you may submit:

A poster abstract (for a Poster)
A poster abstract and flashtalk (for a Poster and a flashtalk (1 min))
A short talk abstract (short talk only (6 min + 4 min questions)

Deadline: Abstracts must be submitted via this submission form by February 28, 2025. Emailed abstracts cannot be considered.

Please ensure your abstract adheres to the abstract submission guidelines:

  • Abstract title is limited to 125 characters (including blanks)
  • Abstracts should not exceed 1800 characters (including blanks)

Submitters will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt.

Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to the submitting author by the 7th of March 2025. We will provide details on how to prepare for the on-site poster presentation or your selected oral presentation in due course.

The call for abstracts is closed.