2 October 2024 to 3 September 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the Cancer Prevention Graduate School Lecture Series (CPGS-LS) 

The lecture series is part of the Cancer Prevention Graduate School's comprehensive training program. The aim is to provide participants with a solid basic knowledge of current (inter)national standards for evidence-based health information and to address recent developments in the field. The speakers are cancer prevention experts from the seven CPGS partner institutions.


  • Each lecture is scheduled for 90 minutes and comprises ample time for questions and discussion. 
  • The lectures take place online once per month on a Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 
  • They are designed for PhD researchers and the academic public.
  • Nevertheless, stake holders such as patient councils, self-help groups, etc. are welcome to join. 
  • The event is free of charge. 
  • Registration is required. 

DKFZ employees are requested to register via the training portal.

Participants from other institutions are requested to register via the registration form on this website.

We are looking forward to your registration! 


Please note that this event will be held in English. 

Date (mm/dd/yyyy)




Düsseldorf University Hospital

Dr. med. André Karger

Communication training in providing risk information and genetic counseling


German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg

Dr. Verena Katzke

Lung cancer screening – first hand experiences based on the


German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg

Dr. sc. hum. Sha Sha and Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Brenner

Potential role of vitamin D in cancer prevention – evidence from observational studies and randomized trials


University Hospital Bonn

Dr. Robert Hüneburg

Precision Prevention in Hereditary GI-Cancers


Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS

Dr. phil. Tilman Brand

Digital health literacy and the digital divide: implications for cancer prevention in the era of digitalization


Düsseldorf University Hospital

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Gesine Kögler

Influence of carcinogens on fetal stem and progenitor cells (working title)


Mainz University

Prof. Dr. Pavel Dietz

The key role of settings of everyday life for prevention and health promotion


Regensburg University

Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Leitzmann

Body weight and cancer


National Cancer Institute, NIH, HHS

Ruth Pfeiffer, PhD

Building and validating risk models for clinical and public health applications


German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg

Dr. Florian Herbolsheimer

Structural interventions in cancer prevention


Düsseldorf University Hospital

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Germing

Possibilities and limitations of early detection of stem cell diseases


The lectures will be held online. You will receive the dial-in information after submitting the registration form. Please log in to each lecture using the email address you provided in the registration form on this website or the dkfz training portal. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your certificate of attendance will be complete.





Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Brenner, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 


Supported by: 


Application for this event is currently open.
There are 5 open surveys.