18–22 Aug 2025
Kloster Seeon
Europe/Berlin timezone


2nd Summer School of the Cancer Prevention Graduate School (CPGS) on

Tertiary Prevention & Cancer Survivorship Research

18-22 August 2025 

At Kloster Seeon, Bavaria

Dear Scholars in Cancer Prevention, 

It is my great pleasure to announce the 2nd Summer School of the German Cancer Prevention Graduate School (CPGS) taking place from 18 to 22 August, 2025 at Kloster Seeon, located close to Munich in Bavaria, Germany. 

Cancer is a major and straining disease burden worldwide. Due to demographic developments, the number of newly diagnosed cancer patients is expected to rise from approximately 20 million in 2022 to 35 million in 2050. In addition to progress in cancer therapy, major efforts will be required to alleviate the burden of disease for the rapidly increasing number of cancer patients, but how to best design, implement and evaluate effective tertiary cancer prevention is challenging.

We have made every effort in putting together a comprehensive scientific program on state-of-the-art tertiary prevention and cancer surviorship research and gaining internationally recognized experts in the field as faculty for the summer school: Here you can find the program 

Participants will include PhD students and faculty enrolled in the CPGS, the first graduate school for cancer prevention research in Germany, as well as interested scholars outside the CPGS. 

We are looking forward to meet you at Kloster Seeon in Bavaria!

Kind regards,

Hermann Brenner, Scientific Coordinator of the Cancer Prevention Graduate School



Download the program here.



Alexia Arnold
Sabrina Wetzel






Kloster Seeon
Kultur- und Bildungszentrum des Bezirks Oberbayern
Klosterweg 1 83370 Seeon Germany
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Application for this event is currently open.