February 19, 2025 to April 2, 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the training module

Health Communication in Cancer Research 2025

The training module is intended for doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows who, as part of their work in the field of cancer (prevention) research, wish to develop evidence-based health information materials for the public and/or to present their research to the public in a comprehensible manner, taking into account evidence from communication sciences and (inter)national standards. The module has been developed in collaboration of the "Cancer Informations Service" (CIS) at DKFZ with the “Cancer Prevention Graduate School” (CPGS) at the National Cancer Prevention Center. It is open to interested PhD students and postdoctoral scientists at DKFZ and CPGS partner institutions. Interested health communicators can also take part.

Participants in the lecture series will receive a participation certificate. The same applies for participants of the qualification workshop. 

By completing the qualification workshop, they qualify to participate as school ambassadors in information events organized by the Cancer Information Service, such as teacher training courses or school project days, in case they are interested.


DKFZ employees are requested to register via the training portal.

Participants from other institutions are requested to register via the registration form on this website.


Part I

Lecture series 2025

Aim: The lectures aim to provide participants with a solid basic knowledge of current (inter)national standards for evidence-based health information. Current results of health communication research are addressed and the standards are derived on this basis. The lectures will also address current developments in digital health information, as well as new communication channels and approaches such as digital health information, information in plain / simple language, narratives, use of infographics and moving images.

Entry requirements: PhD student or postdoctoral scientist at DKFZ and CPGS partner institutions.

Introductory lecture:
German Cancer Information Service and to the concept of the Training Module
Comment: Relevant for those persons who have not participated in the PICR curriculum 2023.

Content: Presentation of the cancer information service and its methodology, presentation of the concept of the training module

Date, time: 19 February 2025, 9 am, duration 60 min

Format: Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturer: Susanne Weg-Remers (CIS)


Lecture 1: Basic principles in health communication

Content: Concepts of health literacy, national standards for health communication and information provision, including, e.g., "Good Practice Health Information", " Guideline

Patient Information"...

Date, time: 26 February 2025, 4 pm, duration 90 min

Format: Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturer: Susanne Weg-Remers (CIS)


Lecture 2: Health information on the internet, social media, digital health apps

Content: Digital solutions in cancer information – chances and risks, standards, assessment of quality

Date, time: 06 March 2025, 2 pm, duration 90 min

Format: Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturer: Anke Ernst (CIS)


Lecture 3: Novel developments in health communication, e.g., easy language, narratives, full-movies

Content: Novel developments: Infographics & language levels, storytelling, moving images

Date, time: 19 March 2025, 4 pm, duration 90 min

Format: Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturers: Kristin Leyerer, Frauke Focke, Susanne Weg-Remers (all CIS)


Lecture 4: Risk communication in cancer information

Content: Concepts for proper risk communication, evidence-based standards for

comprehensible communication of statistic data and figures

Date, time: 02 April 2025, 4 pm, duration 90 min

Format: Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturer: Odette Wegwarth (Charité)


Part II

Qualification workshop 2025

Aim: The qualification workshop will give participants the opportunity to practically apply the knowledge acquired in the lectures. To this end, participants work individually or in small groups to develop an "information product" of their choice on a cancer (prevention) research topic. The "information product" may be a presentation, a flyer, an infographic or a film - there are no limits to creativity. The "information product" will be presented to the group in a face-to-face workshop in Heidelberg and the participants will receive feedback on their work.

Entry requirements: PhD student or postdoctoral scientist at DKFZ and CPGS partner institutions, attendance at lectures no. 1 to 4, maximum 16 participants - places are allocated according to the date of registration.

Preparatory meeting

Content: Introduction to the tasks

Date, time: 07 May 2025 10 am, duration 30 min

Zoom conference (link will be sent separately)

Lecturers: S. Weg-Remers, J. Geulen, K. Greulich-Bode


Workshop (in person only)

Content: Presentation of the self-developed "information product" to the group, including naming of the target group and their information needs, justification of the selection of the topic and the medium/channel.

Date, time: 04 June 2025 9 am to 4 pm

Place: DKFZ Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, Seminar Room H824 (Glaskasten, main building 8th floor)

Lecturers: S. Weg-Remers, J. Geulen, K. Greulich-Bode



Lectures take place online. You will receive the dial-in information after your registration has been confirmed.  

The workshop takes place at DKFZ, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg, main building, 8th floor, room H828 (so called "Glaskasten")





Susanne Weg-Remers, German Cancer Research Center, Cancer Information Service, Heidelberg 


Supported by: 


Application for this event is currently open.
There are 6 open surveys.