Racism is not just a societal issue – it also permeates the healthcare system, impacting doctor patient relationships, access to medical care as well as patients’ trust in the health care system. While English-speaking countries have more comprehensive quantitative studies on racist discrimination in healthcare, Germany still lacks reliable data in this area. 
This lecture presents findings from the survey conducted as part of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa) in 2022 and examines the various forms of discrimination that racially marked individuals face within the healthcare system. The focus extends beyond medical treatment to include barriers that shape access to healthcare and influence the trust that those affected place in the health care system.
What are the consequences of discrimination in healthcare? And how can we raise awareness about this pressing issue? The lecture will provide insight into the most recent research findings and invite participants to join a collective discussion.

Tae Jun Kim is a medical sociologist, and is working in the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor at the DeZIM Institute. His research interests range from social inequalities in healthcare, discrimination, and stigmatization to the question of how racism can be measured using quantitative methods. 



Amy Danson, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 
Gholamhossein Movahedian, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg

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