11–13 Sept 2024
Heidelberg Academy of Science
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Program

Planned program and time schedule

  • Day 1. Wed, Sept 11

    12.00-14.00 h arrival / check-in / snacks

    Welcome and Session 1: Normal cerebellar development
    14.00-14.15 h Welcome: Simone Mayer/Lena Kutscher
    14.15-15.00 h Mary Beth Hatten, The Rockefeller University, USA: Molecular Control of Cerebellar Circuit Formation
    15.00-15.45 h Alex Joyner, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA: Functional implications of spatially defined molecular subclasses of cerebellar excitatory neurons

    15.45-16.15 h Coffee break

    16.15-17.00 h Sumru Bayin, University of Cambridge; Gurdon Institute, UK: Unraveling mechanisms of cerebellum development and regeneration
    17.00-17.20 h Selected Abstract: Daniel Goldowitz, University of British Columbia, Canada: Cerebellar development from the perspective of Pax6 and gene regulation

    17.30-18.30 h Welcome reception

  • Day 2. Thur, Sept 12

    Session 2: Transcriptional control of cerebellar development

    09.00-09.45 h Kathy Millen, Seattle Children’s Hospital, USA: A human-centric view of cerebellar development is required to understand human cerebellar disease
    09.45-10.30 h Mari Sepp, University of Heidelberg, DE: Cellular Development of the Mammalian Cerebellum through an Evolutionary Lens

    10.30-11.00 h Coffee break

    11.00-11:45 h Justus Kebschull, Johns Hopkins University, USA: Evolution of the cerebellar nuclei

    11.45-13.15 h Lunch

    13.15-14.00 h James Li, University of Connecticut, USA: Single cell and spatial expression profiling to decipher the parcellation of the cerebellar cortex
    14.00-14.20 h Selected Abstract: Valentina Cerrato, University of Turin, IT: A single cell atlas to unveil the diversity of mouse cerebellar astrocytes: insights into their molecular identities, development, and functions

    14.20-15.00 h Poster flash talks
    1. Parthiv Haldipur
    2. Giacomo Turrini
    3. Tetsuya Yamada
    4. Manjari Anant
    5. Beatrice Durand
    6. Nicole Amberg
    7. Benjamin Lepennetier
    8. Tamiris Borges Da Silva
    9. Davide Aprile
    10. Theresa Kagermeier
    11. Luca Tiberi
    12. Chris Meulenbroeks
    13. Alicia Eckhardt
    14. Srijita Banerjee
    15. Bertrand Duvillie

    15.00-17.00 h Poster session

    17.30 h City tour, for those who registered

  • Day 3. Fri, Sept 13

    Session 3: Models of cerebellar development and disease

    09.00-09.45 h Giorgia Quadrato, University of Southern California, USA: Modeling human cerebellar development and disease at single cell resolution with organoids
    09.45-10.30 h Simone Mayer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE: Cerebellar organoids as a model for pontocerebellar hypoplasia

    10.30-11.00 h Coffee break

    11.00-11.45 h Vincent Cantagrel, Institut Imagine, FR: Modeling human cerebellar development and malformations using cerebellar organoids
    11.45-12.05 h Selected Abstract: Christin Schmidt, University of San Francisco, CA, USA: Chromosome 17p13 deletion in human cerebellar development and Group 4 medulloblastoma oncogenesis

    12.05-13.15 h Lunch

    13.15-14.00 h Esther Becker, University of Oxford, UK: Modelling cerebellar diseases using iPSC-derived organoid models
    14.00-14.45 h Teresa Silva, University College London, UK: Investigating trisomy 21-associated cerebellar developmental alterations using human cerebellar organoids

    14.45-15.15 h Coffee break

    15.15-16.00 h Lena Kutscher, German Cancer Research Center, DE: Neurodevelopmental principles underlying pediatric brain cancer
    16.00-16.45 h Myron Evans, Seattle Children’s Hospital, USA: Epigenetic regulation of cerebellar development and tumorigenesis

    16.45-17.15 h Break

    17.15-18.30 h Final discussion

    19.30 h Conference dinner for all participants, Kulturbrauerei Heidelberg