21 June 2024
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the 3rd Baden-Württemberg Clinician Scientist Network Meeting on June 21st 2024!

The upcoming 3rd Baden-Württemberg Clinician Scientist Network Meeting 2024 aims to strengthen the Clinician Scientist Programs in Baden-Württemberg.

This year, the event is jointly organized by the Heidelberg Faculty of Medicine and the DKFZ.

The all-day symposium will take place on Friday, June 21st 2024 at the DKFZ Communication Center in Heidelberg (Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg).

This event serves as a platform for sharing science, fostering collaborations, and strengthening the Clinician Scientist community. By getting together we aim to incite the translational mindset leading to scientific breakthroughs.

The joint symposium offers the perfect opportunity to network at the poster sessions and gain insights from other research areas during exciting talks.

The event will start with a keynote lecture and culminate with a panel discussion featuring advanced clinician scientists, offering a platform for collective reflection on career trends and challenges.

We envision this symposium as a catalyst for innovation, forging new collaborations, and fostering enduring connections within the Baden-Württemberg Clinician Scientist community. 

Register by June 10th 2024 and be an integral part of the impactful discussions and discoveries that will unfold together!

German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 69120 Heidelberg Germany