
The AIH-ELLIS "Meet Your Scientific Hero" Research Seminar Series called upon regional researchers to nominate their favorite AI visionaries from around the world to give a keynote presentation. Through this program, five AI experts will give a talk in the Heidelberg – Mannheim AI community. 

In the first talk of the series, join Dr. Loan Vulliard (DKFZ postdoc) in welcoming his scientific hero, Prof. Emma Lundberg. We look forward to an afternoon of exciting scientific exchanges!

Invited Speaker


Biological systems are functionally defined by the nature, amount and spatial location of the totality of their proteins. We have generated an image-based map of the subcellular distribution of the human proteome and showed that there is great complexity to the subcellular organization of the cell giving rise to potential pleiotropic effects. As much as half of all proteins localize to multiple compartments and around 20% of the human proteome shows temporal variability. Our temporal mapping results shows that cell cycle progression explains less than half of all temporal protein variability, and that most cycling proteins are regulated post-translationally, rather than by transcriptomic cycling. 

This work is critically dependent on computational image analysis, and I will discuss machine learning approaches embedding of spatial subcellular patterns and how such embeddings as well as generative AI can be used to build multi-scale models of cell architecture. 

In summary, I will demonstrate the importance of spatial proteomics data for improved single cell biology and present how the freely available Human Protein Atlas database (www.proteinatlas.org) can be used as a resource for life science.


The talk will be preceded by an opportunity to meet the speaker and ask questions about her work and career in an informal setting. 

Spaces are limited - so please register early. We look forward to your registrations by March 13.


Meet-and-greet session – Friday, March 15, 2024, 15:30 to 16:30, AIH Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 41, 69120 Heidelberg)

Lecture – Friday, March 15, 2024, 17:00 to 18:00, DKFZ Communication Center (Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 69120 Heidelberg) 
