26–27 May 2025
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scientific Program


Preliminary Program

Monday, 26th May 2025                   

8:45 AM           ・・・・・・・CHECK-IN & Welcome Coffee・・・・・・・・

9:45 AM           WELCOME

10:00 AM         Keynote lecture

                        Oliver Stegle, Heidelberg

10:30 AM         ・・・・・・・Comfort break・・・・・・・

10:45 AM         SESSION Tumormicroenvironment & metabolism
Chair: Marieke Essers

Barbara Grünwald, Essen

Almut Schulze, Heidelberg

Jose Pedro Friedmann Angeli, Würzburg

Celia Dobersalske, Essen


12:15 AM         Flash talks (Short presentations selected from abstracts)

12:45 PM         Poster session

1:30 PM           ・・・・・・・Light Lunch・・・・・・・

2:15 PM           SESSION New developments in first line local therapies
Chair: Oliver Bruns

Susanne Kossatz, München

Alexander Schramm, Essen

Stefanie Speidel, Dresden


3:15 PM           Panel discussion (patient perspectives)

Chairs: Cindy Körner & Johannes Förner

4:00 PM           ・・・・・・・Coffee break・・・・・・・

4:45 PM           Study pitches (Short presentations selected from abstracts)

6:15 PM           ・・・・・・・Comfort break・・・・・・・

6:30 PM           Award Ceremony: German Prize for Cancer Prevention Research

7:30 PM           ・・・・・・・Get-together・・・・・・・



Tuesday, 27th May 2025              

8:30 AM           ・・・・・・・CHECK-IN & Welcome Coffee・・・・・・・

9:00 AM           SESSION Heterogeneity, plasticity & metastatasis
Chairs: Barbara Grüner & Peter Friedl

Frank Winkler, Heidelberg

Rene Jackstadt, Heidelberg

Christoph Klein, Regensburg

10:30 AM         ・・・・・・・Comfort break・・・・・・・

10:45 AM         SESSION Digital Prevention, diagnostics and therapy control
Chair: Titus Brinker

Carolin Victoria Schneider, Aachen

Yuri Tolkach, Cologne

Magdalena Görtz, Heidelberg

Lena Maier-Hein, Heidelberg

12:15 PM         Flash talks (Short presentations selected from abstracts)

12:45 PM         Poster session

1:30 PM           ・・・・・・・・・Light Lunch・・・・・・・・・

2:15 PM           SESSION Tumor immunology, cellular immune therapies
Chair: Uta Höpken, Thomas Oellerich

Josef Leibold, Tübingen

Antonia Busse, Berlin

Juliane Walz, Tübingen

Sophia Danhof, Würzburg

3:45 PM           CLOSING REMARKS

3:50 PM           ・・・・・・・Comfort break・・・・・・・

4:00 PM           Keynote – Meyenburg Lecture
Organized by Stefan Fröhling, Christiane Opitz & Stefan Pfister

4:40 PM           Reception

5:00 PM           ・・・・・・・・・End of conference ・・・・・・・・・


Organized by

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)








The program will be continuously updated. Please visit the page again at a later time for further details.