Aug 25 – 30, 2024
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

CRUCIAL INFO - Updated on 08/08/24 - NEW !!


Dear friends and colleagues,

WTTC19 is just round the corner! We, as organizers, would like to thank all of you for your support, love and enthusiasm towards WTTC as a family.

Today, we would like to give you some crucial updates, which may be useful for you to know:

1) Registration in all categories with 'Abstract Books' is now closed. The book abstract is prepared for printing. Also, companion registration is closed now.
2) Any sponsorship requests, regardless of stand location or category, is no longer be considered.
3) We have already informed earlier, but again emphasizing on a point of commute between Frankfurt airport and Heidelberg. Due to long lasting ongoing construction work on the railway track between the two cities, the superfast German trains, so called 'Intercity Express (ICE)' have currently very less running frequency. Kindly review additional choices listed on the website.
4) All poster presenters shall bring their posters along with themselves. You will find the Poster frames in the room K1 and K2 on the first floor of the communication center of DKFZ. You may hang them from Sunday 25.08.2024 from 18:00 onwards. Those who intend to give flash talk shall send their presentations to us in pdf format by 19.08.2024
5) For all the oral presenters, there are two ways to submit your presentation in PPT format: one you can upload your presentation on Second, you can bring it with yourself and submit them at least one day before so our technical experts have time and check with you before uploading in the system for presentation. However, to avoid any glitch we would like you to upload your presentation on the above-mentioned link.
6) For our kind Sponsors, please send all the materials to us ASAP so that it must reach us by 15.08.2024. Please do not plan any spacious booth due to space-constraints; however, couple of roll-ups can be accommodated. If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to write/call us.
7) To ALL PRESENTERS: Due to last minute cancellations, unfortunately, the entire schedule has to be restructured. Therefore, please look very carefully for the time-slot of your Oral presentations and Flash talks. Same is applicable for those who are chairing the sessions.

8) TO ALL BIDDERS for next WTTC20 in 2026: Please prepare your Bid and send your documents and presentation via email to

 by 19.08.2024. Advisory committee and organizing committee must have enough time to go through your proposal. Please also see:

9 ) Lastly, but equally important, please find the new updated WTTC19 Schedule on our workshop website: You will find both the outline and the detailed version. Direct link is

As always, we are dedicated and committed to assist you as best as possible. Please do not hesitate to write/call us in case any guidance or support needed. Apologies for any pen-slips or inconvenience caused during any process in the organization and registration of WTTC19.

We wish you a safe travel to Juelich/Heidelberg.
See you folks very soon in Heidelberg.

WTTC19 Team