Aug 25 – 30, 2024
German Cancer Research Center / Communication Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Student Bursary

Submit your bursary request now! Bursaries will be granted as travel support!

  1. Students coming for WTTC19 only: please send your bursary request to  In order to be eligible for a travel bursary, you have to submit an abstract as first author. With your request, please also send us your CV, a short motivation letter of why the attendance at WTTC19 helps your career and a statement that you do not have any or sufficient means of traveling (please include the rough estimated costs for traveling). 
  2. Students applying for both Summer School and WTTC19 can include their bursary request along with the application package and send it to us at Those who have already sent the package without the bursary request can mail their request separately. Please also provide us with a statement that you do not have any or sufficient means of traveling and a rough estimation of the traveling costs. 

Due to the budget limitation, we kindly request you to please apply for bursary requests only if you are really in need.


Applicants will be notified shortly after the decision on abstract/s.